Pinewild Property Owners Association

Contact Us

PPOA Administration and Office Staff
PPOA Office at Highway 211 Gate
85 Glasgow Drive, Pinehurst
Fax: 910-215-9736
The PPOA Office is open Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm.
Community Manager
Erika Terziu –
Administrative Assistant
Ronda Brady –  
ARB Administration
Martha Snyder – 
Board of Directors
Contact information for PPOA Board of Directors can be found. Click here for the Board Members list.
Security and Entrance Gates
Linden Road Gate 
715 Linden Road, Pinehurst  
Staffed 5:00am to 9:00 pm, 7 days a week  
Highway 211 Gate 
85 Glasgow Drive, Pinehurst
Staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Abington Road Gate 
Resident gate, entrance with key card only 
This is an automatic, unmanned entrance/exit gate located at Abington Road and Route 211. The exit lane can be used by all vehicles leaving the community. Pinewild residents are encouraged to advise guests, contractors, or service providers of these regulations in order to prevent confusion, delays, and/or safety issues at the gates.
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